Roles & Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities
1. The Principal is the chief academic and executive officer of the college. He is responsible
for administration, organization, instructions and management affairs of the college, as
stipulated in Sambalpur University Calendar / Ordinance & DHE, Govt. of Odisha.
2. Powers and duties of other authorities including Teaching & Non-Teaching faculty
members, library and laboratory staffs are also in accordance to as laid down in rules and
regulations of the Sambalpur University Act. / UGC Act. / DHE Govt. of Odisha.
Designation Powers and Duties:
*Principal: - The Principal of College is the ex-officio Chairman of all the committees / bodies constituted to manage the affairs of college. He / She shall preside over the meetings of all the Committees / Bodies including the Staff Council & Proctorial Board.
*The Principal and the Bursars (Administrative/ Accounts/ Academic) acting jointly shall be authorized to sign all contracts / Purchase Order on behalf of the College.
*The Bursars (Administrative/ Accounts/ Academic) shall be custodian of the funds and securities of the College. Subject to the direction and control of different committees constituted by the college as for the directives of higher authorities, the Bursars shall have power to buy, sell, endorse and otherwise, negotiate or transfer all Government or other securities, stocks, shares and other instruments of a similar character on behalf of the college and to realize interest, dividend, bonus and profit due thereon.
*All suits and proceedings by or against the college affecting property, investment and other financial matter shall be filed and defended in the nameof the Bursars.
*The Bursars shall exercise such further powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the University /Academic Council / College Development Committee / Principal.
*The Principal being the Head of the College under the Act is the Chief Executive Officer of the College. The Principal shall realize and receive all grants or other money due to the college from the Central and State Government, UGC and the University and other persons, bodies and authorities.
*The Principal shall be responsible for the organization of teaching and co- curricular activities of the college in consultation of the concerned committee.
*The Principal shall sanction leave of all types, within the rules prescribed, to all Teaching & Non-Teaching staff and officiating arrangements, wherever necessary, will also be made by him in accordance with the rules.
*The Principal shall sanction all types of leave expecting study leave, leave without pay and privilege leave to the teaching staff in accordance with the rules except that in case the grant of leave involves appointment of a substitute, the same will be done by him with the approval of the DHE Govt. of Odisha.
*The Principal may suspend / issue show cause notice to any non-teaching employee after recording in writing the reason for the same and proceed to take disciplinary action, but no final decision regarding punishment etc. will be taken by him with the prior approval of the DHE Govt. of Odisha.
*Subject to control by the Staff Council the Principal shall in addition to his other powers and functions (i) operate the Students Fund (ii) have powers to appoint Class IV Staff on Contract Basis and suspend such staff and report the same to the DHE Govt. of Odisha.
*The Principal will decide the policies regarding Examination (College), and admission to the college after consultation with the Examination Committee, Staff Council and Controller of the Examination from time to time.
*The Principal, in order to keep the members of the Staff Council informed of the progress of expenditure of the College shall submit a half yearly statement of income and expenditure of the College through the Bursar, to the Staff Council for information according to the Budget heads.
*The Accounts Bursar shall be a member of the teaching staff and he shall, subject to the directions of the guidelines of DHE, Odisha through the Principal, manage the domestic and internal finances of the College. Accountant Bursar Handles affairs of the Accounts, Sr. Assistant Accounts Maintain ledgers, Cash books, fee collection.
*The Administrative Bursar, Handles day to day Administrative work of the College with consultation of Principal.
*Store keeper maintains the records of acquisition and release of equipment’s procured in College.
*Librarian Job Description:- In Colleges the College Librarian is overall administrative/ professional in charge of the Library and responsible for performing, supervision, controlling of all jobs/activities and coordinating at all levels within College Central Library. One Teaching Staff is vested with power of Library-In-Charge & He / She is convener of Library Advisory committee. He monitors and supervise the Library services i.e. acquisition of new books, journals & ICT facilities in Library.
*Librarian of the College assists students and staff in obtaining the Membership and Circulation work of different categories, Issuing the No Dues/ Clearance Certificates. passing the bills for payments; display of loose issues; tendering work for binding of books and periodicals; placing the orders for binding of sets of periodicals, technical Processing Work: Classification, cataloging and preparing the data sheets; subject indexing; metadata preparation and content development; editing of cataloging and classification.
*Peon / Attendant / Mali / Sanitation Workers / Library Staff Handles the diary & dispatch work, attends the day to day college work & delivery of mails, Look after the Gardening Work, Cleaning of the college building entries. Any other jobs assigned from time to time by the competent authority.
Bursar | The Bursar, who is a member of the Teaching Staff, shall, subject to the directions of the Executive Committee Body through the Principal, manage the domestic and internal finances of the College, and shall help the Principal in the maintenance of the accounts and in the day-to-day financial, Administrative & Academic affairs of the College. |
Administrative Bursar | The Administrative Bursar, being head of the Administration, is responsible to supervise and coordinate the working of Administrative section and to do the work assigned by the Principal from time to time. |
Accounts Bursar | The Accounts Bursar is the Head of the Accounts Section of the College and responsible for all day to day Financial activities being done in the College. He / She with the advice of the Principle takes all the financial decisions. |
Academic Bursar | The Academic Bursar is the officer entrusted with responsibilities of maintaining all the Academic activities of the College. It includes both curricular and extra-curricular activities of a session. |
Head Clerk | To supervise and do the work of administrative office and to do the work assigned by the Principal from time to time. |
Office Assistance (Accounts) | To supervise and to do the work of Accounts Section and to do the work assigned by the Principal and Accounts Bursar from time to time. |
Jr. Office. Assistants | Day to day students dealing work, updating the students and staff data base, to deal with day to day accounts work as well as work related to superannuation and leave record of the staff, and any Other work assigned by the Administrative Bursar and Establishment Officer. |
Daftries | To maintain the office records and to deal with diary and dispatch work and any other work assigned by the Administrative Bursar /S.O. (Admn.) /Academic Bursar & Accounts Bursar. |
Electrician | To deal with all repair and maintenance of electrical work of the college and any other work assigned by the Administrative Bursar from time to time. |
Office Attendants | Attending to day to day college work related to delivery of mail, catering water whenever required and dusting and cleaning work and any other work assigned by the Administrative Bursar /Establishment Officers. |
Sanitation Workers | Cleaning of the college building premises and offices and any other work assigned by the Administrative Bursar Establishment Officers. |
Security Guard | To guard the college property and premises |
Librarian | Overall supervision and control of the college library work including purchase of books in coordination with the Library Committee and any other work assigned by the Principal from time to time. |
Semi Professional Assistants | Distribution and classification of books and any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time. |
Library Attendants | Maintenance and cleanliness of library, issue of books to the students and staff including tooling and other allied work and any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time. |
Development Committee | Development Committee is highest body consisting of senior members of the college. It takes all the important decision of the college administration with consultation of the Principle. |
Planning & Evaluation Committee | Planning and Evaluation Committee graphs/approves all the future plan of the college and takes all the important decision in matter of development |
Discipline Committee | Discipline committee chaired by the Principal is empowered to take all the decision in relation to maintenance of discipline in any fields. It also takes discipline in any fields against the offenders. |
Purchase Committee | All types of purchase of the college are done through the purchase committee. All the decision regarding this matter are done through this august body. |
Library Committee | Library committee takes decision on maintenance of day to day activities of the Library and new value addition to the college Library. |
Students Welfare Committee | All the matters of the students regarding students welfare is function through the Student Welfare Committee. |
Student’s Grievance, Appeal & Anti-Ragging Cell | Anti-ragging cell functions as per UGC & DHE Govt. of Odisha, guidance to stop any form of ragging in the college campus. |
Equal Opportunity Cell | Equal Opportunity Cell functions to provide opportunities to those particularly girls students, SC, ST & Minorities students if they are deprived from any opportunities |
Examination In charge | Examination Controller with consultation of the principal takes all the important decision regarding conducting of Examinations. |
Co-ordinator NSS & YRC | NSS & YRC Co-ordinator are assigned to imitate different extension and outreach programme with the student volunteers. |