Executive Summary


Executive Summary

SARBATI DEVI WOMEN’S COLLEGE was established in the year 1981 in a semi-urban industrial
town of Rajgangpur in the densely tribal populated district of Sundargarh in the state of Odisha.
The initial purpose was to provide opportunities for higher education for the poor and aspiring
tribal girls with a vision to empower women in this underdeveloped region. The College is
striving to fulfill its mission in the past 39 years. The College now offers undergraduate degree
courses in both Arts (BA Hons) & Science Hons (B.Sc Hons). The College is affiliated to
Sambalpur University which prescribes the curriculum and from the session 2016-17 it has
implemented CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) as a part of the National Education Policy.
Now all the pass subjects have been converted into Honours. The College offers Hons teaching
in subjects like Economics, Education, Political Science, Odia, History, Home Science, Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany & Zoology.


The founding Mother (Late Sarbati Devi) of Sarbati Devi Women’s College had envisioned this institution in a remote area of Sundargarh district to be a center for nurture and growth of girls from the weaker sections of the society like Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Caste , the women , the minorities , the Socially and Economically Backward Classes etc. and for enabling them to be a part of the main stream of the society and to achieve glory for themselves and for the nation through its expansion of education of high excellence to them and this Institution has lived up to the vision and dream of its founding mother.


“Our vision is to create a world-class higher education system that empowers our students to become leaders and change-makers in their communities and beyond. By providing a rigorous and transformative education that fosters critical thinking, ethical reasoning and a deep sense of social responsibility, we aim to produce a new generation of leaders who are committed to building a strong and just India. Through their knowledge, skills and values our students will work to solve the challenges facing our society and make a positive impact on the world. Together, we will build a strong and prosperous India based on reasoning, conscience,Compassion and Philanthropy. "



"Our mission is to empower the students of Rajgangpur, Kutra and Bargaon Tehsils in Sundargarh District of Odisha and its border areas to achieve their full potential and contribute to the development of their communities. We believe that quality education is the key to transforming minds and improving socioeconomic outcomes and we are committed to providing our students with access to the latest knowledge and technologies. By fostering a culture of excellence, innovation and social responsibility, we aim to create a brighter future for all."


Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges (SWOC)


Institutional Strength

  • A committed management team, dedicated Principal and experienced and hard-working teaching and non teaching staff.
  • A supportive and friendly atmosphere between teachers and students.
  • Scholarships and the option to pay tuition fees in installments to make education more accessible to disadvantaged groups.
  • A focus on gender equality and value-based education to empower and enlighten students.
  • A strong emphasis on community and social work in addition to traditional classroom teaching.
  • A well-stacked library and Departmental  Book Bank
  • Robust Infrastructure with ICT enable class room , Laboratory, Lavatory ,Library and rooftop open Auditorium.
  • Student involvement in eco-friendly activities such as tree plantation and nature visits.
  • A range of support services and welfare programs for staff and students.

Institutional Weakness


  • Lack of organizing National &international-seminars.
  • Poor in Research & Publication.
  • Dependence on current faculty due to restrictions on new recruitment by the Government of Odisha
  • Financial limitations caused by reduced grants from the university, the Government of Odisha and funding agencies such as the UGC, RUSSA .
  • Lack of Own Play ground.


Institutional Opportunity


  • To commence more UG and PG in Different subjects.
  • To organize more value added programme & Skill development courses.
  • To organize more & more Exchange Programmes.
  • Encouraging students to participate in online programs such as MOOCs, SWAYAM and NPTEL.
  • Providing special indoor and outdoor sports training for students interested in pursuing a career in sports.


Institutional Challenges

  • Providing a systematic learning process to help students from low socioeconomic backgrounds to adapt new learner-friendly environment and perform at their best.
  • The rising cost of education.
  • The trend of students moving towards technical education.
  • Students' employability after graduation.


Curricular aspects

The institute is affiliated with Sambalpur University, Odisha and follows the curriculum designed by the university. The institute offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of Arts, and Science. The institute adopted the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) pattern in 2017-18 which includes self-learning and value-based non-CGPA courses of interdisciplinary nature. The institute prioritizes the importance of social and human values, professional ethics, gender equality, health and hygiene and environmental respect in their curriculum. To promote these values, they regularly conduct programs such as seminars, workshops and invited lectures on topics such as saving and educating girls, women's empowerment, gender issues, health awareness and yoga.

The institute places a high emphasis on teaching human values to students by arranging lectures or speeches on the occasions of celebrating the birth and death anniversaries of national leaders and freedom fighters. Through these activities, students are exposed to the lives and teachings of these leaders and learn about the values they upheld and the impact they had on society. The institute follows the guidelines of IQAC and collects feedback from all stakeholders on the curriculum annually. This feedback is then analyzed and discussed in Staff Council meetings and necessary actions are taken after communicating with the President Governing Body. The actions taken are based on the feedback analysis and include improving infrastructure, implementing value-added courses and enhancing student facilities such as tutoring and other resources available to students.



  • The institute has a diverse student population with most coming from the local Tribal community but also including a small number of students from other Categories.
  • The institute places a strong emphasis on inclusiveness and provides adequate facilities for differently abled students. In the last five years, an average about 3800 students has enrolled.
  • Upon admission, the institute assesses each student's learning level and organizes special activities to accommodate both advanced and slow learners. The faculties at the institute implement student-centric teaching methods such as Experiential Learning, Participative Learning and Problem-Solving Methodologies.
  • The institute utilizes various innovative teaching and learning methods and tools to enhance the educational experience.
  • Teachers are encouraged to acquire higher qualifications and awards. As a result, numbers of faculty members have been awarded with Ph.D. and received awards and recognition.
  • The institute conducts the CIE as per the academic calendar. Students’ performance is evaluated through Assignments, Unit Tests, Seminars, Quizzes, Projects and Group Discussions etc.
  • The institute has a mechanism to deal with grievances related to University and College examinations, ensuring that the CIE is transparent, time-bound and efficient.
  • The institute has defined Program Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for each program and course. It uses direct and indirect methodologies to assess these outcomes.



  • The institute has a Research Committee and specific Policy which encourages teachers and students to undertake research projects, publish research articles, books and chapter in books.
  •  Our institute has a good environment for research. The laboratories are well equipped and all necessary facilities are made available to researchers.
  •  Library is having good number of reference books and journals.
  • Over the past five years, 08 research articles have been published in various UGC-listed and UGC - CARE listed journals.
  • One faculty Dr. Smruti Rekha Nayak has published 04 books / chapter in books and many research papers in the proceedings of various conferences.
  • The institute has a research Policy and a Committee to expedite   and encourage faculties and students to undertake various research activities.
  • The Institute now has 11 No of Ph.D. Holder faculties.
  • The 6th semester students are mandatorily to take up dissertation work/Project Work. The college has collaboration and MOU for academic exchange of knowledge and technique for strengthening the academic activities among the students.
  • The institute has a culture of consultation through NSS, NCC, YRC .  Activities such as Blood Donations, Cleanliness Campaigns, Environmental Awareness Campaigns, Health and Hygiene related activities and
  • Constitutional Rights related activities, Gender Awareness activities are regularly conducted to promote the dignity of work and awareness of Social, Environmental and Health issues.
  • The institute has been recognized for these activities and has received the best renewal award from Sambalpur University, Sambalpur.



  • The institute offers top-notch facilities including ICT-equipped classrooms, a seminar hall, labs, computer labs and other necessary resources to support the learning experience.
  • The Institute has Two No of Women’s Hostel funded by UGC to cater the needs of Tribal students coming from faraway places to encourage women’s Education in the district.
  • The Institute has 14 smart class with Interactive Panel Board and two class with LCD Projectors
  • The institute offers 11 graduate programs with sports infrastructure, both indoor and outdoor sports facilities and a strong record in sports events at the University, State, National and International levels.
  • The campus also has a Gymnasium and a Yoga Center with certified instructors for students, staff and faculty members.
  • The institute has an Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) that allows efficient management and organization of library collections. It is a registered user of N-LIST Platform.
  • The college website and library are regularly updated and the institute has Wi-Fi facilities and CCTV surveillance systems for security.
  • The institute has advanced IT infrastructure which includes a robust Wi-Fi network, 28 regularly Updated computers  for academic and administrative work with licensed software, LCD projectors
  • The Institute has established a 32 seated Computer labs and the procurement of the equipments and furniture are on the pipeline.



Our institute strives to support the overall development of our students by providing a healthy environment. Nearly 90% of students take advantage of various types of Government Scholarships. Mentoring and counseling services are provided for their overall well-being. Every effort is made to build the overall development and competencies of students by organizing workshops and training programs to improve their soft skills, communication skills, life skills, ICT literacy etc. Every year, a number of students progress to higher education through succeeding entrance examinations. We have had MOU with Nandi foundation to provide Soft skill Training under Mahindra Pride class, and Niyati foundation to provide Free coaching for various Competitive Examinations.

The special efforts have been taken for the inculcation of human values and social awareness in the students through the activities like Blood Donation Camp, Covid-19 Vaccination Camp, Tree Plantation activity, Cleanliness Campaign (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan), AIDS Awareness, celebration of birth and death anniversary of the national leaders and freedom fighters, Women’s day, Teachers day, Voters Awareness activity, Anti corruption oath, Fit India Abhiyan, Human Rights day etc.

The Competitive Examination and Career Counseling Cell holds training/counseling sessions on a regular basis and many students qualify for them. The institute has a robust Student Grievance Redressal Cell, Internal Complaints Committee and an Anti-Ragging Cell.

The institute has a prosperous sports culture and has a good infrastructure for sports and cultural events. Numbers of students have won awards at Zonal, Inter zonal, University, State, National and International levels. Students’ representation to various academic, administrative bodies, including IQAC ensures that students are enabled to participate in the institutional developmental process.



  • The institute aligns its vision and mission with national policies on higher education, focusing on education as a means of nation-building and social reform.
  • To achieve this, the institute implements programs and activities such as NSS, NCC, Soft Skills Development, Value-Added Courses, Welfare Schemes, Sports, Cultural Programs and Career Guidance.
  • The institute fosters a culture of decentralization and participation through the appointment of coordinators and various academic and administrative committees.
  • The Principal plays a key role in governing and managing the institute through the use of committees such as Governing Body and IQAC.
  • The institute encourages faculty to participate in professional development opportunities such as Orientation, Refresher Courses, Short-Term Courses and Faculty Development Programs.
  • The institute also supports faculty members in their pursuit of advanced degrees such as M. Phil and Ph.D. Faculty members are granted duty leave and financial support for attending Seminars, Workshops and Faculty Development Programs.
  • The institute has implemented e-governance in various areas such as Administration, Finance, Accounts, Scholarships, Student Admissions and Examinations.
  • The institute has in place various welfare measures for both teaching and non-teaching staff. The performance of teaching staff is evaluated through a Performance Based Appraisal System in HRMS. And Annual Self Appraisal System (ASAR).
  • Efforts are made to secure funding from sources such as University, UGC, DMF, WB and RUSSA.
  • The Institute adopts e Governance Management system in Admission, Examination, Finance, IFMS, and NPS and in other fields as per the guidelines of Govt and University The institute's accounts are audited regularly.
  • The IQAC works to ensure quality and enhance quality measures within the institute.



  • The Institute ensures openness and honesty in all its activities.
  • The institute regularly celebrates significant birth and death anniversaries of social reformers freedom fighters as well as national festivals as declared by the Government of Odisha and Sambalpur University.
  • The institute actively engages programs and campaigns in partnership with faculty, staff and students to raise awareness on gender issues specifically the empowerment of women and environmentally conscious practices.
  • To secure the well-being of female students, the institute conducts anti-ragging sessions and campaigns such as Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao and organizes rallies.
  • The Institute takes necessary steps to manage solid, liquid and e-waste.
  • The institute has implemented rainwater harvesting.
  • The institute carries out green audits to maintain a clean and green campus.
  • The institute uses LED lamps to reduce energy consumption and also conducts energy audit for implementation of energy-saving strategies and installation of Solar Energy is on the process.
  • To keep the campus free of pollution, the institute schedules a "No Vehicle Day" on the every Saturday day to create awareness among students and faculty to use public transportation, bicycles and shared vehicles.
  • The institute aims to enhance future academic excellence through the introduction and development of more UG and postgraduate programs.