

a) Free Studentship

There are three types of aids available to the students of the college. (i) The free studentship and financial help from (a) Social Service Guild and (b) Students' Aid Fund. Free studentship to the extent of 12% of the total number of students is given in form of full or half tuition fees each year. The principal invites applications for this and interview of applicants is held and decision for award is made on the basis of merit cum poverty.

(b) Social Service Guild

1. Aids :

Aids form the Social Service Guild are given as financial help to the needy students. The aim and object of this social service guild is to render social service of any description.

a) The grant of stipends to the needy and deserving students of the college.
b) To from a volunteer corps in the area for rendering help to the sick, the destitute and people affected by natural calamities.
c) To open and encourage night school in the area.
d) To educate people and take up public health programmes for the prevention of cholera, pox malaria and such other epidemics.

2. Finance :

a) Each student of the college shall contribute a monthly subscription towards to guild fund.
b) High officials and well-to-do public men are to be occasionally approached to donate to the fund.

3. Working committee :

i) The principal as Ex-officio president has to control the fund of guild.
ii) There should be an executive committee consisting of :
a)The president-principal (Ex-officio)
b) Vice - president to be nominated by the principal from among the members of the staff.
c) Two members to be nominated by the principal from among the members of the staff.
d) Secretary and Assistant secretary to be elected from among the students
e) One student representative from each class by election. 4. Duties: Secretary :
i) To convene General Executive meetings of the Guild. :
ii) To record proceedings of the meetings.
iii) To prepare with the help of the Vice. President and submit at the general meeting in the
annual report of the guild along with the accounts of the last year.
iv) To invite applications for help from the students of the college. v) To organize student
volunteers to raise funds for improving the financial position of the Guild. vi) To work through out with a view to releasing the aims and objects of the guild as laid down in
the rules above.
Assistant Secretary: He will assist the secretary in all the above duties and will remain in charge when the secretary is absent and will exercise all powers of the secretary.
5. Poor and deserving students of the college are to receive help for nine months ordinarily from August to April.
6. The Secretary shall maintain record of activities of the society in a bound register and hand it over to the office before the session ends.
7. The principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the guild.
C) Students Aid fund
a) Each student contributes Rs.5/- annually to this fund.
b) The U.G.C gives aid to this fund annually at times.
c) Aid is given from this fund to meet to following expenses of deserving poor and meritorious students.
i) Examination fee
ii) Tuition fees
iii) Purchase of books
iv) Hostel dues, clothing and medical expenses in exceptional cases.
(Minimum cash will be paid to students out of this fund only) Students must apply in proper form and appear before a Selection committee for the award of the aid.
The fund is administered by a managing Committee consisting of the following
1) Principal, Ex-officio Chairman.
2) Chairman free-studentship committee.
3) Vice-president S.S.G
4) One student Representative.
5) Prof. In-charge of Student Aid Fund as Ex-officio member.
1. National Scholarship-
2. EMedhabruti-
3. State Scholarship Portal-

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